Students walking through lineup on graduation day in cap and gown being cheered on by professors

International Applicants

Centre College encourages candidates from around the globe to join us on our supportive, student-centered campus.

Challenging academics, personalized attention, 丰富的研究和实习经验为bwin体育的学生在工作中取得成功和进入顶级研究生课程做好了准备. 

Applying to Centre Application deadlines Cost of Attendance

Financial Aid Scholarships  Student Support



Top 30 Most Innovative School

Ranked nationally by U.S. News & World Report.


Pursue Advanced Degrees

The majority of our students seek advanced degrees after graduation.





Medical School Acceptance Rate

Among the highest in the nation.


Law School Acceptance Rate

Among the highest in the nation.

Quick Facts

  • All international applicants are considered for fall term enrollment, which begins in September.
  • 完整的正式申请必须在11月1日(早期决定I)之前提交给招生办公室。, November 15 (Early Action), 1月15日(早期决定II)或2月1日(常规决定)取决于你的申请计划. 
  • 有关bwin体育和我们的录取程序的更多信息,请联系招生副主任. 
  • 如果你需要更多关于在美国上大学的信息,国土安全部有一个网站.


The Centre Spotlight

Amon Otsuki '21

Amon Otsuki, 来自日本agatuma - gun的计算机科学专业, talks about the impact Centre has made on his experience as an International student, 他在大学四年里遇到的人,以及他与本专业的教职员工和学生所做的工作.

Applying to Centre

It’s easy and absolutely free to apply to Centre online using the Common Application.

Apply Now!


Application PlanDeadline AdmissionsNotification Date
Early Decision 1 November 1December 1
Early Action November 15Mid-February
Early Decision 2January 15February 15
Regular DecisionFebruary 1April 1

Application Requirements

我们的录取过程考虑了许多因素来帮助我们更多地了解你,包括学习成绩, English proficiency, teacher recommendations, a written essay, and a certificate of finance. Other optional information may be submitted if you feel it’s helpful to your admission.

必须提交所有就读中学的正式或证明的学业成绩副本, as well as from any university or other post-secondary institution attended. 成绩记录应包括所修科目及成绩, mark, 或其他证据,以证明每一科目已圆满完成. 记录应说明评分制度. If records are not in English, 记录应以原始语言提交,并附有经认证的直译. Records will not be returned.

All international applicants are required to provide proof of English proficiency. An international applicant can demonstrate proficiency in the following ways:

  • Test reports from either the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), 雅思(国际英语考试系统), Pearson PTE, 多邻国英语测试(DET). Our required minimum for the TOEFL iBT is 93, TOEFL Essentials is 9.5, IELTS is 7.0, Pearson PTE是64,DET是125.
  • 完成高中英语课程, 比如IB或A-Level课程, 或在以英语为主要口语的高中就读也将证明英语水平.
  • 英语是这个学生的第一/主要语言.

如果你认为我们的托福/雅思/DET要求应该被放弃 for you, 请填写我们的豁免申请表格.

Submit a waiver request 

注意:我们只有在学生完成入学申请后才能评估这些表格, including supporting materials. 请注意,所有提交此豁免的学生可能需要完成面试和/或提交考试成绩才能考虑入学.

必须提交一封推荐信以及申请中的学校报告. Teachers who are familiar with your recent academic performance should write recommendations. 推荐信的作者可以使用申请表中提供的表格,也可以另纸提交推荐信. 应用程序中的表格可以复制. 推荐信应该由作者直接邮寄到招生办公室(或者用密封的信封寄给申请人,信封上有作者的签名).

Applicants are required to submit at least one essay of 500-650 words written in English, 包括在其通用应用程序中. The content of the essay should address one of the specific questions posed on the application.

所有国际学生必须提交bwin体育的在线财务表格,以便考虑入学和奖学金. 我们不要求单独的经济援助申请或国际申请人的银行对账单副本. bwin体育不接受CSS配置文件. 


Admission Office Contacts

Contact your personal admission counselor with your top questions about Centre.

Cost of Attendance

bwin体育将每年的费用定为综合费用. This fee includes tuition, all academic fees, student housing, board (meals), 以及校园里的大多数文化和体育活动. You can expect college fees to increase slightly each year (on average 3-4%). However, 奖学金金额不会每年增加,在bwin体育注册后需要额外经济援助的学生应联系经济援助办公室. While international students are eligible for partial need-based financial aid, 基于需求的补助金每年都增加是不常见的. We will do our best to take individual circumstances into consideration for enrolled students.



以需求为基础的经济援助助学金和优秀奖学金提供给高素质的学生. Over the last three years, these grants ranged from $3,000-$21,000, with the average grant of $11,000 awarded to highly qualified admitted students who required additional financial support. In most cases, 为了满足学生的经济需求,经济援助赠款被添加到优秀奖学金中.

适用于接受经济援助的学生, 这所大学对提供的援助有限制, 给 留下了平均每年25美元的家庭捐款,国际学生每年1000美元. We recommend that students who need significant financial aid to attend Centre, 申请我们的早期行动或常规决策计划, to allow appropriate time to apply separately for scholarship programs.


International students are automatically considered for  merit scholarships ranging from USD $7,500 to $29,000 per academic year. bwin体育竞争激烈的林肯bwin体育计划和下面列出的特殊奖学金需要单独的奖学金申请.

General Merit ScholarshipAmount
General Merit$15,000 – $30,000 
Premier ScholarshipsAmount
Lincoln Scholars Program全额学费,杂费,住宿费,外加
Special ScholarshipsAmount
Performing Arts$3,000 – $5,000 
Visual Arts$3,000 – $5,000 
Language  $3,000 – $5,000



Have Questions?

以下是我们多年来为国际考生澄清的一些问题. 如果您有其他问题,请联系招生办公室.

Frequently Asked Questions

All international students must submit our online Certificate of Finance, 你有能力支付大学学费吗. Certificate of Finance Form


我们不需要单独的经济援助申请(ISFAA), copies of bank statements, 或国际申请者的CSS简介. A student may submit the ISFAA in lieu of the Certificate of Finance by emailing it to 或上传至申请人门户网站. 

Need-based financial aid grants are available to highly qualified students, 并且可以与优秀奖学金相结合. Over the last three years, these grants ranged from $3,000-$21,000, with the average grant of $11,000 awarded to highly qualified admitted students who required additional financial support.  

适用于接受经济援助的学生, 这所大学对提供的援助有限制, 留下 平均每年25美元的捐款,000 USD per year for an international student receiving financial aid. If you are an international student who is unable to afford this approximate amount, 你应该申请我们有竞争力的高级奖学金. 

Lincoln Scholars Program 

Centre has two scholarship programs that offer full funding for international students. 这些竞争性奖学金项目. 

Lincoln Scholars Program  

每个都需要单独的在线申请. Centre does not offer full need-based funding for international students, 需要全额奖学金的学生应该制定申请林肯项目的计划,这是确保bwin体育全额资助的最佳和唯一途径. 

bwin体育将每年的费用定为综合费用. The estimated total cost for international students for 2020-21 is USD $62,600. 这包括基本的综合学费, all academic fees, student housing, board (meals), 以及校园里的大多数文化和体育活动 + required health insurance, books, transportation to campus, and personal expenses. The cost for each student will vary depending on scholarships and aid that may be awarded.  Please keep in mind that colleges do increase their tuition each year.  


一旦你在commonapp上提交了申请.org, our office will send an email with log-in information for your Centre applicant portal, also called CentreNet. 您可以查看您的申请状态, see missing materials, 并通过此门户提交某些文件. 

How to log into CentreNet 

分数报告可能会从相应的测试服务发送, 包括在学生的高中成绩单上, or emailed to admission@centre.Edu . 由申请人的学校辅导员提供. Or, 申请人可以通过电子邮件将成绩报告的截图或PDF提交到 This policy applies to SAT, ACT, TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo English Test. bwin体育负责SAT和ACT的评分, 这意味着如果你参加了不止一次的考试, 你应该提交你所有的分数, 我们会把你的最高部分分数加在一起,得出你的最高综合分数. 如申请人自报成绩,决定就读bwin体育, they must submit official copies of test reports prior to enrollment. 

如果你认为我们的托福/雅思/DET要求应该被放弃, 请提交豁免表格 供考虑. 


bwin体育审核国际申请人入学申请时, we need some reassurance that, if admitted, 这个学生将能够负担得起我们学校的学费. 这就是为什么我们要求提供财务证明,证明家庭有能力支付教育费用. 有时候,虽然学生的证书会使他们成为一个非常合格的申请人, 由于缺乏资金,我们将无法提供入场. 我们有时会把学生放在经济援助候补名单上, 也就是说,虽然我们愿意录取你, we are unable to do so unless the student: a) receives a premier scholarship from Centre, 或者b)家庭修改财务证明,以显示其有更大的能力支付教育费用.

如果学生需要大量的经济援助来支付就读中央学院的费用(超出我们一般的国际学生优秀奖学金), 他们应该单独申请林肯bwin体育项目, 哪个提供全额财政支持. The Program is open to international applicants and requires a separate online application. The deadline to apply for this program is December 1; finalists are named in February and recipients are named in April. 

Financial Aid

以需求为基础的经济援助补助金提供给高素质的学生,可以与优秀奖学金相结合. Over the last three years, these grants ranged from $3,000-$21,000, with the average grant of $11,000 awarded to highly qualified admitted students who required additional financial support.  

适用于接受经济援助的学生, 这所大学对提供的援助有限制, 留下平均每年25美元的捐款,000 USD per year for an international student receiving financial aid. If you are an international student who is unable to afford this approximate amount, 你应该申请林肯bwin体育项目.

If a student wants/needs full funding to attend Centre, they can apply separately for the Lincoln Scholars Program, which is Centre’s only option for covering the full cost of attendance. 

国际申请者可选择面试. 申请bwin体育的学生将通过电子邮件被邀请报名参加一个可选的虚拟面试(Skype), FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp, 或微信). Interviews are available on a limited basis, and are not mandatory. 


International Student Support

Our welcoming and knowledgeable staff members will help you navigate the admissions, enrollment, and immigration process.

Meet Students and Faculty

Speak with a current student or faculty member to get a feel for our community and culture.


Before You Arrive

我们将帮助您完成注册文件, 协助办理学生签证和其他移民文件, 并提供旅游指导和资源.

Documents to Bring

When you come to the U.S., you should bring with you any important documents that relate to your academic, medical, and legal history: 

  • Official transcripts from secondary schools, colleges, or universities 
  • Medical and dental records, including certificates of immunizations and vaccinations 
  • Information about medical conditions or treatments, prescriptions for medication and eyeglasses 
  • International driver’s license

在你离开你的祖国之前, 如果这些文件不是英文的, obtain English translations and have the translations certified by a U.S. 教育咨询bwin体育或美国.S. consulate or embassy. 保留所有原始文件的影印本以作记录.

When You Get Here

Attend a special orientation that introduces you to the area where Centre is located, 还有你们的国际同学们. 你会遇到你的国际学生导师,他将成为你的朋友之一,帮助你适应校园生活.

During Your Time at Centre

The International Student Services office will support your academic and personal needs, 比如考驾照或者找工作. 国际学生协会和多元化学生会是两个(众多)组织,丰富了我们的校园和庆祝bwin体育的多样性.

International Student Services