计算机科学 students in computer lab


Computing has become a necessary tool in nearly every area of human endeavor—critical to our workplace production, 我们的交流, and a means to play and to express ourselves artistically.


Computer scientists go by many names: programmer, 软件工程师, 数据工程师, 系统管理员, 网页开发人员. They are driven people who want to contribute to solving the world’s problems. They know that while technical skills are important, 团队合作, 创造力, and empathy are just as important. 在bwin体育,我们得到了这个! Our students learn not only to work by themselves, but how to work with others. 雇主 know that it takes a team to create a product, and students with the skills to work with others and understand multiple viewpoints will be valued members and leaders of these teams.

Your Major Took You Where?

计算机科学 majors have gone on to a variety of graduate programs and careers.


  • 史诗系统软件
  • 富达投资集团
  • 谷歌
  • NTT数据公司


  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • 肯塔基大学
  • University of Tennessee-Knoxville


Courses include 人工智能, 数据库, 网络, 操作系统, 并行计算, 软件设计, 和更多的. Our students can do course-related work in a dedicated lab space. A second lab is used for research projects by students and faculty.




Students engage in hands-on learning experiences and reflection to develop skills and increase knowledge retention.

Computer science students have opportunities to apply their skills to real-world projects with their professors outside of class. Recent projects include video games, 人工智能, 性能分析, energy-efficient computing, 和生物信息学.


We're committed to helping students find quality internship experiences in the career area of their choice.

Students gain hands-on experience in areas such as database and web application developer, 移动应用开发者, 或服务台助理. There are also opportunities to conduct related research with professors across a wide range of disciplines.


Our extraordinary liberal arts and sciences education prepares students for meaningful lives and careers.

Most of our graduates take positions in computer-related fields. Many list their job title as programmer/analyst, 软件开发人员, 或者系统工程师, while others have found positions in network administration.

