
To enhance the general health and well-being of students, 教师, 工作人员及访客, 中央学院是一个无烟校园.

Centre College recognizes that smoking and vaping poses significant health risks to members of the community. bwin体育的禁烟政策包括香烟, vap的设备, 而无烟烟草产品如“咀嚼”, 蘸一蘸,吸一吸。”.  Nicotine-replacement gum will be made available to 教职员工 to utilize while on campus for those interested. Other types of nicotine-replacement therapy medications are available for those who are on the College’s health plans.


The findings of the Surgeon General show that tobacco use in any form is a significant health hazard that can lead to heart disease, 癌症, 以及过早死亡, and that even non-tobacco users are at risk of these outcomes due to passive exposure. 考虑到这些风险, 我们的战略重点是健康, and the College’s commitment to providing a safe and healthy working and learning environment for all campus constituents, 学院采取了校园禁烟政策, 7月1日生效, 2023.

The use of any tobacco product is prohibited in or on all property that is owned or leased by the College. Property for purposes of this policy includes all buildings, 理由, 体育场馆, 校园人行道, 停车场, 车辆, 以及这些地区的私人车辆.  This policy applies to all members of the College 社区 as defined below.


定义为所有形式的烟草, 包括, 但不限于无烟烟草制品, 香烟, 雪茄, 管道, 水管(水烟), 电子尼古丁输送系统, 无烟烟草制品, 以及任何产生烟雾或电子烟的产品.

包括特许经销商, 喷雾器, vape笔, 水烟管笔, 电子烟(电子烟或电子烟), 和e-管道.

包括咀嚼烟草, 浸, 鼻烟, 鼻烟, 还有包括含片在内的可溶解产品, 球体, 棒, 和条.

Includes 教师, staff, students, contractors, volunteers, and visitors.


All cessation products specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for use in treating nicotine or tobacco dependence are allowable for use in or on campus properties.




All members of the campus community share in the responsibility of adhering to and enforcing this policy. The success of this policy will depend upon the thoughtfulness and consideration of each other.  Resources will be provided to those who wish to quit smoking. It is hoped that any violations of the policy can be resolved with an initial informational approach or a reminder, but serious or repeated violations will be dealt with as violations of policy under the respective handbooks for students, 教职员工.


Centre wishes to support its employees who want to quit using tobacco products by providing resources to you.


The following items are currently available through the College’s medical health plan at no cost to the employee if filled at an in-network pharmacy.

  • 安非他酮HCI片SR 12小时150毫克
  • 尼古丁TD贴片24小时21毫克,14毫克和7毫克
  • 尼古丁聚丙烯胶2毫克 & 4 mg
  • 烟碱复方含片2毫克 & 4 mg
  • Nicotine inhaler system 10 mg (4 mg delivered) – Nicotrol brand
  • 尼古丁鼻喷雾剂10mg /ml (0.5毫克/喷雾)
  • 酒石酸伐尼克兰tab 0.5毫克(碱当量) & 1毫克(碱当量)
  • 酒石酸伐尼克兰tab 0.5毫克x 11片 & 1毫克× 42包

Nicotine gum may be picked up in Human Resources to help employees quit tobacco products. 它可以根据需要每1-2小时使用一次.   


To help you quit all types of tobacco and other nicotine products 包括 香烟, 嚼烟和吸电子烟, Centre offers this digital cessation program completely free to employees. 这个项目, from Truth Initiative in conjunction with the Mayo Clinic, 帮助了940多人吗,000人永远放弃了. Research shows the 交货计划 quadruples a user’s chance of quitting—willpower alone doesn’t work.

如果你在11月30日前完成这个项目, 2023, the Tobacco Surcharge associated with the College’s health insurance plan will be waived for calendar year 2024.  If you complete the program by March 31, 2024, the surcharge will be refunded. We strongly encourage you to register for the program and complete the program by November 30th.



如果你有兴趣,可以寻求帮助. The single best thing you can do for your health in your lifetime is to quit smoking. 



触发或问题 解决方案
让双手忙碌 找一个你可以玩的压力球或回形针.
手里拿点别的东西,不要拿香烟. This is a time many folks take up a new hands-on activity like word puzzles, 针织或钩编, 等.
社交聚会 If you had a habit of smoking when consuming a certain 
food or beverage (usually coffee or alcohol) avoid them for a while. They may increase your discomfort caused by not smoking. 慢慢啜饮另一种饮料.  Seek out nonsmokers to hang out with at breaks or meal times.
饭后  吃完饭后迅速离开餐桌. Have sugar-free mints or gum available to pop in your mouth right after you finish eating. 饭后散一会儿步.
压力 Sit down alone, close your eyes and take 10 slow, deep breaths. 打电话给你的支持人员发泄一下. Take a walk or get up and move around the office or campus.


  1. Delay until the urge passes = usually within 3 to 5 minutes.
  2. 分散自己的注意力. 如果可能的话,打电话给朋友或者出去散散步.
  3. 喝水来抵抗渴望
  4. 深呼吸-放松! 闭上眼睛,慢慢地深呼吸10次
  5. 和你亲近的人讨论你的感受.

每天散步一到两次,每次10到15分钟, 然后从这里开始, especially during the time you would normally smoke or use tobacco.

  • Regular exercise helps to control cravings for 香烟 and food, and it can increase cravings for healthier food choices.
  • 锻炼 is a positive activity that can become a new habit that replaces smoking. Try it for at least a month, which is about how long it takes to form a new habit.
  • 当一个人减少或停止使用烟草时, they tend to use food as a replacement when the urge to smoke strikes.

  • Be aware that you may find yourself snacking more and on unhealthy foods.

  • Keep healthy snacks and foods easily available, and don’t skip meals.

  • 你的身体不仅习惯于吸收尼古丁, but all of the other chemicals in cigarette smoke; cutting off or reducing that supply creates physical stress and fatigue.
  • 比平时早一点上床睡觉.
  • If you are at the opposite end of the spectrum and find yourself unable to sleep, 试着在睡觉前几小时进行一次长距离散步.


  • Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death and disease.
  • 70%的吸烟者想戒烟.
  • Working in a tobacco free environment helps people quit.