
Centre provides accommodations for the well-being of pregnant employees.


This policy aims to ensure compliance with the federal Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) and the Kentucky Pregnant Workers Act, and to promote a supportive and inclusive environment for pregnant workers at Centre College. Centre is committed to providing reasonable accommodations, 防止歧视, 并为怀孕员工提供福利, 符合适用的联邦和州法律.


This policy applies to all employees and applicants for employment who are pregnant, 最近生过孩子, 或者有相关的疾病. This Policy also operates in conjunction with and consistent with existing policy and law regarding support for lactating and breastfeeding employees (see Centre College 员工手册 at Section 610). 除了, this Policy operates in conjunction with the College’s Parental Leave Policy (see Centre College 员工手册 at Section 501).




The term “known limitation” means physical or mental condition related to, 受, 或者是由于怀孕引起的, 分娩, 或相关的医疗条件 that the employee or employee's representative has communicated to the College whether or not such condition meets the definition of disability specified in section 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102)


The term “qualified employee” means an employee or applicant who, 有或没有合理的住宿, can perform the essential functions of the employment position, except that an employee or applicant shall be considered qualified if –

  • Any inability to perform an essential function is for a temporary period;
  • The essential function could be performed in the near future; and
  • The inability to perform the essential function can be reasonably accommodated.


“合理的便利”和“不适当的困难” have the meanings given such terms in section 101 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12111) and shall be construed as such terms are construed under such Act and as set forth in the applicable regulations, including with regard to the interactive process that will typically be used to determine an appropriate reasonable accommodation.



  • Centre strictly prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment based on pregnancy, 分娩, 或相关的医疗条件.
  • Employees will not be subjected to adverse employment actions or denied employment opportunities due to their pregnancy status.
  • 员工不会被要求休假, 无论是否支付, if another reasonable accommodation can be provided to the known limitations related to the pregnancy, 分娩, 或符合资格的雇员的相关医疗状况.


  • Centre will make reasonable accommodations to the known limitations related to the pregnancy, 分娩, 或符合资格的雇员的相关医疗状况, unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operations of Centre.
  • 在收到雇员怀孕的通知后, 分娩, 或相关的医疗状况, Centre will engage in an interactive process to determine appropriate accommodations.
  • 住宿可能包括, 但不限于, 更频繁或更长时间的休息, 从分娩中恢复的时间, 购置或改装设备, 适当的座位, temporary transfer to a less strenuous or less hazardous position, 重组工作, 轻型, 修改工作时间表, and private space that is not a bathroom for expressing breast milk.
  • Requests for reasonable accommodations will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the employee’s job responsibilities, 医疗需求, 及bwin体育的运作需要. Accommodations will be provided unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the operation of Centre.


  • Centre will maintain the privacy and confidentiality of employees’ pregnancy-related information, 根据适用的法律法规.
  • Employees’ consent will be sought before sharing any confidential information with relevant parties involved in the accommodation process.
  • Managers and supervisors involved in the accommodation process will be informed of the need to ensure the protection of privacy and confidentiality.


  • Centre will provide employees with information about their rights under this Policy, 包括要求合理安排的权利.
  • The college will establish a clear process for employees to request accommodations, including designating an office responsible for handling such requests. Centre employees should contact the Office of 人力资源 at 859-238-5464.
  • Managers and supervisors will receive training on this Policy, including their responsibilities in providing reasonable accommodations and preventing pregnancy discrimination.


  • Centre encourages employees to report any concerns or complaints related to pregnancy discrimination or the denial of reasonable accommodations.
  • Employees may report concerns to their immediate supervisor or the Office of 人力资源.
  • Centre will promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints and take appropriate remedial actions as necessary.


  • This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated to ensure continued compliance with applicable laws or regulations.
  • Centre will provide ongoing training and educational resources to employees, 经理, and supervisors to raise awareness and understanding of the policy.